type Result_Collection is limited private;
A collection of Result_Info objects. Contains also child collections.
type Result_Collection_Access is access Result_Collection;
Access type for Result_Collection.
type Result_Info_Cursor is private;
A cursor type for Pass, Failure and Error results.
type Result_Collection_Cursor is private;
Cursor for iterating over a set of Result_Collection access objects.
Empty_Result_Info : constant Result_Info;
Result_Info object which holds no result. It can be used to initialize a new Result_Info object.
procedure Set_Test_Name (Info : in out Result_Info;
Name : Bounded_String);
Set a test name for the result.
procedure Set_Routine_Name (Info : in out Result_Info;
Name : Bounded_String);
Set a routine name for the result.
procedure Set_Message (Info : in out Result_Info;
Message : Bounded_String);
Set a message for the result.
procedure Set_Test_Name (Info : in out Result_Info; Name : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Test_Name (.. ; Bounded_String).
procedure Set_Routine_Name (Info : in out Result_Info; Name : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Routine_Name (.. ; Bounded_String).
procedure Set_Message (Info : in out Result_Info; Message : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Message (.. ; Bounded_String).
procedure Set_Long_Message (Info : in out Result_Info;
Message : Bounded_String);
Set a long message for the result.
procedure Set_Long_Message (Info : in out Result_Info; Message : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Long_Message (.. ; Bounded_String).
procedure Set_Execution_Time (Info : in out Result_Info;
Elapsed_Time : Duration);
Set the execution time of the result info (test).
procedure Set_Output_File (Info : in out Result_Info;
Filename : Bounded_String);
Set the name of the test output file.
procedure Set_Output_File (Info : in out Result_Info;
Filename : String);
Set the name of the test output file.
function Get_Test_Name (Info : Result_Info) return String;
Return the test name of the result info.
function Get_Routine_Name (Info : Result_Info) return String;
Return the routine name of the result info.
function Get_Message (Info : Result_Info) return String;
Return the message of the result info. The message will be something what has been given to the Assert call.
function Get_Long_Message (Info : Result_Info) return String;
Return the long message of the result info. The long message usually contains the backtrace or other info related to the test failure.
function Get_Execution_Time (Info : Result_Info) return Duration;
Return the execution time of the result info.
function Get_Output_File (Info : Result_Info) return Bounded_String;
Return the name of the output file. Empty string is returned in case there is no output file.
procedure Add_Child (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Child : Result_Collection_Access);
Add a child collection to the collection. Ownership of Child is transferred to the Collection container and Child will be automatically freed when Collection is destroyed.
procedure Add_Error (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Info : Result_Info);
Add a test error to the collection.
procedure Add_Skipped (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Info : Result_Info);
Add a skipped test to the collection.
procedure Add_Failure (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Info : Result_Info);
Add a test failure to the collection.
procedure Add_Pass (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Info : Result_Info);
Add a passed test to the collection
procedure Release (Collection : in out Result_Collection);
Release resourced held by the collection. Frees also all children added via Add_Child.
procedure Set_Name (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Name : Bounded_String);
Set a test name for the collection.
procedure Set_Parent (Collection : in out Result_Collection;
Parent : Result_Collection_Access);
Set a parent collection to the collection.
function Test_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of tests in the collection. Tests in child collections are included.
function Direct_Test_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of tests in the collection. The tests in the child collections are NOT included.
function Pass_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of passed tests in the collection. Tests in child collections are included.
function Error_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of test errors in the collection. Tests in child collections are included.
function Failure_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of test errors in the collection. Tests in child collections are included.
function Skipped_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of skipped tests in the collection. Tests in child collections are included.
function Get_Test_Name (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Bounded_String;
Return the name of the collection’s test.
function Get_Parent (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Result_Collection_Access;
Return the parent of the collection.
function Get_Execution_Time (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Duration;
Return the execution time of the whole collection.
function First_Pass (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Result_Info_Cursor;
Get the first pass from the collection.
function First_Failure (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Result_Info_Cursor;
Get the first failure from the collection.
function First_Error (Collection : Result_Collection)
return Result_Info_Cursor;
Get the first error from the collection.
function Next (Position: Result_Info_Cursor) return Result_Info_Cursor;
Get the next pass/failure/error.
function Data (Position: Result_Info_Cursor) return Result_Info;
Get the data behind the cursor.
function Is_Valid (Position: Result_Info_Cursor) return Boolean;
Is the cursor still valid?
function First_Child (Collection : in Result_Collection)
return Result_Collection_Cursor;
Get the first child of the collection.
function Next (Position: Result_Collection_Cursor)
return Result_Collection_Cursor;
Get the next child.
function Is_Valid (Position: Result_Collection_Cursor) return Boolean;
Is the cursor still valid?
function Data (Position: Result_Collection_Cursor)
return Result_Collection_Access;
Get the data (Result_Collection_Access) behind the cursor.
function Child_Depth (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the maximum depth of children. (a child of a child, etc.)