procedure Create_Temp (File : out Temporary_File);
Create a new temporary file. Exception Temporary_File_Error is raised if the procedure cannot create a new temp file.
The name of the file is automatically generated and follows form ahven_123 where “ahven_” is a constant prefix and “123” increases by one after every Create_Temp call. The file is created to the current working directory.
For every created temporary file, you need to call either Remove_Temp or Close_Temp when the file is no longer needed. Otherwise, there will be a memory leak.
function Get_Name (File : Temporary_File) return String;
Return the name of the file. You need to create a new temporary file first using Create_Temp procedure before calling this function.
Temp : Temporary_Output.Temporary_File;
Temporary_Output.Create_Temp (Temp);
Ada.Text_IO.Put_Line (Temporary_Output.Get_Name (Temp));
procedure Redirect_Output (To_File : in out Temporary_File);
Redirect the standard output to the file. To_File must be opened using Create_Temp.
procedure Remove_Temp (File : in out Temporary_File);
Remove the temporary file. File can be either open or closed.
procedure Close_Temp (File : in out Temporary_File);
Close the temporary file. If you want to remove the temporary file from the file system, you need to call Remove_Temp procedure.