procedure Assert (Condition : Boolean; Message : String);
If Condition is false, Assert raises Assertion_Error with given Message.
New in version 1.4.
type Data_Type is private;
with function Image (Item : Data_Type) return String is <>;
procedure Assert_Equal (Actual : Data_Type; Expected : Data_Type; Message : String);
If Expected /= Actual, Assert raises Assertion_Error with given Message. Function Image is used to convert Actual and Expected parameters into String.
procedure Assert_Eq_Nat is
new Ahven.Assert_Equal (Data_Type => Natural,
Image => Natural'Image);
Assert_Eq_Nat (Actual => Test_Count,
Expected => 4,
"test count");
New in version 2.0.
procedure Skip (Message : String);
Skip always raises Test_Skipped_Error with given Message. In practice, this means that the execution of tests stops there and the test is marked as ‘skipped’.