Type Summary
Result_Collection (limited type) |
Primitive Operations: |
Add_Child ,
Add_Error ,
Add_Failure ,
Add_Pass ,
Child_Depth ,
Direct_Test_Count ,
Error_Count ,
Failure_Count ,
First_Child ,
First_Error ,
First_Failure ,
First_Pass ,
Get_Execution_Time ,
Get_Parent ,
Get_Test_Name ,
Pass_Count ,
Release ,
Set_Name ,
Set_Parent ,
Result_Collection_Access |
Result_Collection_Cursor |
Primitive Operations: |
Data ,
First_Child ,
Is_Valid ,
Result_Info |
Primitive Operations: |
Add_Error ,
Add_Failure ,
Add_Pass ,
Data ,
Get_Execution_Time ,
Get_Long_Message ,
Get_Message ,
Get_Output_File ,
Get_Routine_Name ,
Get_Test_Name ,
Set_Execution_Time ,
Set_Long_Message ,
Set_Long_Message ,
Set_Message ,
Set_Message ,
Set_Output_File ,
Set_Output_File ,
Set_Routine_Name ,
Set_Routine_Name ,
Set_Test_Name ,
Result_Info_Cursor |
Primitive Operations: |
Data ,
First_Error ,
First_Failure ,
First_Pass ,
Is_Valid ,
Constants and Named Numbers
Other Items:
procedure Set_Test_Name (Info : in out Result_Info; Name : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Test_Name (.. ; VString)
procedure Set_Message (Info : in out Result_Info; Message : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Message (.. ; VString)
procedure Set_Long_Message (Info : in out Result_Info; Message : String);
A helper function, which calls Set_Long_Message (.. ; VString)
type Result_Collection is limited private;
A collection of Result_Info objects.
Contains also child collections.
procedure Release (Collection : in out Result_Collection);
Release resourced held by the collection.
Frees also all children added via Add_Child.
function Test_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of tests in the collection.
Tests in child collections are included.
function Direct_Test_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of tests in the collection.
The tests in the child collections are NOT included.
function Pass_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of passed tests in the collection.
Tests in child collections are included.
function Error_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of test errors in the collection.
Tests in child collections are included.
function Failure_Count (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the amount of test errors in the collection.
Tests in child collections are included.
function Child_Depth (Collection : Result_Collection) return Natural;
Return the maximum depth of children. (a child of a child, etc.)
Examples: Child_Depth is 0 for a collection without children.
Collection with a child containing another child has a depth of 2.